The Harbinger Decoded DVD

Release Date: October 15, 2013

Go deeper into the meaning and messages of The Harbinger with this DVD that includes background material on the nine prophetic signs, interviews with top Christian leaders, and the “story behind the story.”


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Product Description

The power and stunning presentation of the revelations contained in the New York Times best seller The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery That Holds the Secret of America’s Future—in audiovisual form.

Is there an ancient mystery that lies behind everything from 9/11 to the collapse of the American economy—a mystery going back over two and half thousand years to the last days of ancient Israel? Could this mystery foretell modern events down to the exact days and hours—and reveal statements from American leaders even before they were spoken? Is America in danger of destruction? And is it all happening according to a key given by an ancient prophet?

Now, viewers can go deeper and actually see for themselves the nine Harbingers of national judgment that have appeared on American soil and hear American leaders pronounce the ancient and ominous words of judgment upon the nation. Viewers can see all of the nine Harbingers in visual form as well as such revelations as the mystery of the Shemitah, the mystery ground, and much more, including things never before seen on DVD.

The Harbinger Decoded features Jonathan Cahn as he uncovers and decodes the mystery with a stunning array of footage of the unfolding mystery. The DVD also interweaves glimpses of the prophet, Nouriel, and the nine ancient seals of The Harbinger’s narrative.

In addition, The Harbinger Decoded contains several special features, including:

  • Most Asked Questions
  • End-Time Prophecy
  • America and the Last Days
  • The (Supernatural) Story Behind the Story
  • And much more!

The Harbinger Decoded is a gripping, stunning, and amazing prophetic presentation for believer and unbeliever alike. Perfect for congregations, small groups, and individuals, it’s a powerful tool to help lead unbelievers to salvation and believers to revival.


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